When should you apply cork grease to your oboe?
I’ve noticed all summer that my students often go too long between putting cork grease on their oboes, and so this first newsletter of...
When should you apply cork grease to your oboe?
Tips for performing outside
When should I toss my old reeds?
What’s that plastic stuff around the base of my reed?
Oboe 101: How to get your sticky keys un-stuck
Air/embouchure balance
What oboe reeds do I recommend?
3 new ways to spice up your warm up
3 Quick ways to improve oboe tone
How to get rid of extra air
Is there such a thing as too much air?
Do you keep a reed log?
What’s on your pre-performance checklist?
Have I over-soaked my reed?
How does the season change affect oboe reeds?
Does the changing season affect the oboe?
When should you use harder reeds?
The top 3 articulation mistakes to avoid
How (and why) to sanitize oboe reeds
How to use a pipe cleaner to open your reed